
Blog Blog Blog...

What? ANOTHER blog? Jeez, everyone and their pet walrus has a blog. Oh well, why not give it a shot? (Me, not the walrus)
My biggest pet peeve in sports is the media's National Enquirer mentality. They cater to a low common denominator and that's how they believe they can sell their product, in much the same way that reality television does. Unfortunately, it's been this way for decades and that type of audience has spread like a cancer. One brief gander at all those "My team rules, your team sucks" pinheads that infest the sports message boards is enough proof for anyone. Rarely these days is a level of integrity heard for any length of time in sports; it's considered boring. Well, not to me. And since intellegent conversation in sports is so hard to come by, I'm offering this alternative to the usual hysteria and lack of intellect that we're subjected to when we turn on the TV or radio to get our sports updates.
Okay, where does that bring us here? Simple. Just "My Two Cents." (See how I segued that in? Not bad, huh? Let's see Mike and the Mad Dog try THAT!!)
Now this blog isn't necessarily going to be a "nice guy" thing. If somebody needs to be called out, I'll call them out (I almost burned out my keyboard brutalizing Isiah Thomas, for example). But that aspect isn't going to be a FEATURE, you see? I try to inject my opinions with integrity, and anyone who responds here is, hopefully, going to do the same. If you disagree with anything, fine. I'm open for ideas. If something upsets you, that's okay. Everyone's entitled...etc. But there's no need to get hostile or call names and act like you have a terminal case of puberty. Save it for one of those message boards.
Alright, that's my first 2 Cents. More to come.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, I've got to tell you. I am not a sports enthusiast as I used to be. In fact people like me don't really have any value in the world of sports. Except for the 2 championships that the Houston Rockets had in the 90's. But from time to time I find articles like this fascinating. The level of observation that one has displayed over this primitive act in human society we call sports. Let me see... Truly, Steinbrenner(lets just call him "King of Monkeys", not out of disrespect, but for analogy purposes. In order for a monkey to rally, move, or lead the other monkeys, he has to display his true Silver back. In the process, the "King of Monkeys" must be able to do everything that the other monkeys can do. Let us, for the sake of analogy, call baseball "WE WANT BANANA". Now then, we understand that the King must display all attributes of the other players (Elder Monkey = many times achieved Banana status)and a ruling by fear characteristic. This is what makes him the King of the Monkeys. Now this is where this monkey gets his status. He doesn't really know any more than the others, I mean how complicated is it to climb a tree. Of course he is to old to do this anyway so it is his appearance(elder monkey) and his louder than average monkey roar(strong and desensitized barking of commands). Thats where this monkey gets his poor celebrity status. He is perceived as this mean old ape when in fact it is a collection of all the monkeys attitudes in one played by the greatest acting monkey of all the "King of the Monkeys". He's got everyone fooled.