
CSI: Citi Field

Okay, we all know Omar Minaya shouldn't have said it, but what everyone is overlooking is that whether it was Minaya's intention or not, what he did to Adam Rubin was exactly what Rubin and the rest of the New York sports media does all the time. They stir up trouble. There's absolutely no denying it. It's their job, it's what they do, it's been going on for time immemorial and most fans eat it up like feeding time at the animal shelter. And as much as the media dishes it out, if you give it back to them they turn into whining crybabies, as their onslaught the day after can attest. They're mighty brave and courageous when they're hiding behind their keyboards, aren't they? That's why as ill-advised as Minaya's call-out was, I have no sympathy for Rubin.

Remember, Minya is not a stupid person. He's may not be the best public speaker, but he is one of the savvier GMs in the game. Chances are there's something to what he said. Rubin had been asking Minaya and Mets ownership for advice on getting into the baseball business for a while now. Was the fact that Rubin was reporting the Bernazard mess related to his inquiries? Only Rubin knows the answer and knowing how members of the media act, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if he was "working."

It's not as if Tony Bernazard wasn't going to get canned at season's end anyway. His irrational behavior was an issue before he joined the Mets, and even without this fracas, Bernazard's term as vice president of player development has seen the Mets' Triple-A and Double-A minor league teams languishing in last place in their respective leagues this year, so it stands to reason that he was toast regardless.

Memo to Omar Minaya: No matter how right you may be, never tangle with people who buy their ink by the barrel.

Memo to any baseball franchise: You get what you deserve if you hire a beat writer straight out of the press room because you're asking for the same trouble.

Memo to Adam Rubin: Instead of abusing your credentials and leeching off Minaya and the Mets' owners and shortcutting your foot in the door via your media connections, you should smarten your ass up and contact the University of Michigan and enroll in their sports management course. But being of the media mentality, you'll never go that way and here's what's going to happen as a result: I know somebody who's taking that course and I'll bet house money that within ten years he'll be running the Mets and you'll still be a lowly beat writer asking him how to get into the business. And the loudest laughter you'll hear is from me because I'll be blasting your predicament all over the Internet - media style!!

See you then.

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